Thursday, 26 March 2015

Eating Organic Foods

It amazes me that if we think we just ate “good” that would be the key to good health…that is not the “key”…it is part of the plan…but if all you did was just “eat a carrot” or drink a healthy smoothie, but neglected the most important system in your body…it will NOT work.
Welcome to Koca Chiropractic!I see this posted all over Facebook and other “things” on the internet, etc…eat this, drink this or come to this class on how to live better. And yes good fuel is important, but if you DO NOT HAVE THE POWER SUPPLY all that is useless. If you do not have the power supply the “carrot” that you are eating to BE better just sits in your belly and rots…and then you become organic waste.

Lesson here…make sure that you get your most important system checked, and then if it is not functioning properly get adjusted by your Doctor of Chiropractic, with a Specific Adjustment to return the POWER SOURCE…you see the most important system in your body is your NERVE SYSTEM…

If if is not right, the carrot is just plain a waste!!

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

It’s NOT the band aid…

Have you ever wondered when you cut yourself how the body heals? Or is it just me? As a little boy I “used” to think that the band aid had the magic powers…when your parents put it on they had this special gift and this band aid would “heal” the injury…guess what…NOT TRUE!!

That gift resides within YOU…that in itself is the gift. I mean how amazing is this, you possess the gift to recover…inside of YOU, and sadly…some, not all take it for granted without even realizing or even worse yet, taking proper care of that “thing” that helps you recover or “heal.”

You see it’s not the band-aid, the pill, the lotion or motion, or even the health care provider (although it does play a part, they have to be competent in respecting you and your ability to recover properly), it all comes down to YOU…the Master Machine. How cool is that!!!

 Welcome to Koca Chiropractic!

But what is the ‘GIFT” that controls us..simple, it is YOUR NERVE SYSTEM, the master controller, it’s not BIG PHARMA, is your inner response team. And it not only controls the recovery of the body, it regulates YOU 100%…but what if it is not functioning properly?

Think for a bit, what if the thermostat in your refrigerator was not working right, what would happen to the “stuff” inside, how would that milk taste? Yep…you got it, you just got that taste in your mind!!

Who focuses on your NERVE SYSTEM…WE do, Doctors of Chiropractic, so to make it simple, get your nerve system checked regularly, because you LIVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH YOUR NERVE SYSTEM…time to start LIVING…

It’s As Simple As That…

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

What is Vertebral Subluxation?

Vertebral subluxation is the reason chiropractic exists.

Over 100 years ago it was discovered that misalignment of a vertebra can cause significant nervous system interference, negatively impacting your health, function and well-being.
While we rarely think about our nervous systems, the reality is that they impact every aspect of our health and lives.

Today chiropractors continue to refine and develop advanced methods of detecting and correcting this common physical manifestation.

 Vertebral Subluxation causes nervous system interference.

While you may be considering or currently seeking care in this office to address some condition in your life, you need to know that subluxation often causes dysfunction within our bodies that we are not aware of. It is this form of interference to the expression of life and health that is most dangerous because it represents the loss of function, health, well-being and most importantly, potential, that could have been.

This is why I get checked and check my family on a weekly basis. How often you and your family get checked and how long you benefit from chiropractic is dependent upon how long the nervous system dysfunction has been present and how long you wish for that system to be functioning optimally, free of vertebral subluxation.

This is why many people, once they understand the true benefit and value of chiropractic choose to get checked throughout their lifetimes. In this way, chiropractic care is a healthy habit. Just as brushing your teeth, exercising, and eating in a healthy manner is a good idea for optimal health and function.

Getting checked for the presence of vertebral subluxation is a good idea because it just makes sense. A healthy nervous system is the foundation for a healthy life.

We envision a life free of vertebral subluxation for you and your family. A life of full potential expressed through a nerve system that is functioning optimally for you.

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Nerve Interference?

What is the most important organ in the body?

If you said the brain, you are absolutely correct.

The brain and rest of the nervous system controls and orchestrates every function of your body. Yet how often do we think about it or how our health is affected by its function?

In 10 years as a healthcare provider, it has been my experience that most people only think about their nervous system once it causes noticeable symptoms. Even then, it is often the last place they look.

It has also been my experience that interference, or stress, to the nervous system is a common occurrence. This is not surprising given the amount of physical, chemical and emotional stress in our lives.

Everyone Needs a Healthy Nervous System

To experience optimal health and function we all need a properly functioning nervous system.

That is why we use advanced technology to assess the health and function of your nervous system in our office. The image below shows a similar scan to the ones we will perform in the office on your first visit. We will study your scans and determine a care plan designed for you to remove the interference and help you experience optimal health and function.

Nervous System Scan

Check Out  Omaha  Chiropractor,Chiropractor In Omaha

Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral subluxation is one of the most common and most unrecognized causes of nerve interference.

A vertebral subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that negatively affects the delicate nervous system as it travels through the spinal column. These misalignments often go undetected because pain fibers are vastly outnumbered by motor and sensory nerves. And while no pain may be present, dysfunction often occurs as messages to and from the brain are distorted.

Vertebral Subluxation causes nervous system interference.

What if…

What if nerve interference is negatively affecting your health and life? What if there was a way to remove that interference so that your body can function as it was designed to?

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!