Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Chiropractic Saves Lives…Here’s How!

When you have a horrible accident and need a limb sewn back on DON’T call your Chiropractor, call a Medical Doctor.

Just like when your house is on fire you don’t call the carpenter, you call the fire department! And hopefully, if they got there in time, they saved your house(life)!!!

But…after they have saved your life…who is going to get you back to your optimal state of health???
Not the medical doctor…here’s why!

You see the United States has the most extensive, sophisticated and expensive medical system in the world! They are amazing at saving peoples lives from sure death! But they are horrible at getting people TRULY healthy once the life is saved. Why? Because they use drugs and surgeries to save peoples lives and then try to use drugs and surgeries to get people healthy! It doesn’t work! That would be like you calling the Fire Department back after they put your house fire out with axes and fire hoses and asking them to come and repair the windows and walls that they busted down with the axes and fire hoses that they used to put out the fire. It makes no sense!

Chiropractic works with the Innate Intelligence in your body that heals your body from the inside. Your body has the ability to heal on it’s own, it just needs no disturbance to healing process. Misalignments in your spine put pressure on the nerves and disturb your body’s ability to heal itself. This is why a Chiropractic checkup is essential to you healing properly!! It’s also essential to you living your best life!!

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Chiropractor In Omaha so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!

Monday, 15 December 2014

“I got 99 problems but my kids on drugs ain’t one”

I read this quote today while skimming across my Facebook newsfeed. It caught my attention as it is a parody of an old school rap song. Then I looked at it again and realized that it meant much more than just being a funny line.

This is the reality for many people. Children hooked on medications. Parents addicted to pain killers. Kids selling their prescription meds in school. And these are the LEGAL drugs!

Sadly so much of this could be prevented and changed if people simply were told the truth. The truth that drugs are never the answer. Yes, they can save your life in a crisis, but they will NEVER create health. They simply cause your body to weaken and depend on them more when taken long-term.

Check Out  Chiropractor In Omaha

You see, your body was created with all the health it ever needed. The Power inside our body that was there when we started as a sperm and an egg is still there now. It resides inside of us and flows thru our nerves to every cell in our body making sure everything is working properly and at it’s best!

This is why it is so important that we have a fully functioning nerve system. When our brain can communicate thru nerves that are working at 100%, then the rest of our body functions at 100% too! When there is nerve disturbance anywhere in the system it weakens the body to less than it’s best. This makes us more susceptible to sickness, disease and many other problems that are completely preventable.

A Chiropractic checkup is your best chance at preventing these problems and giving yourself the opportunity for an amazingly high quality of life! Just Do It!!!

Now You Know…


Visit for more information: Chiropractic Omaha, Omaha Chiropractors

Friday, 12 December 2014

What did you do over summer vacation?

Every kid growing up remembers the first question their teacher asked when returning back to school…what did you do over summer vacation?
Most kids wrote stories of where they visited, family they saw or what roller coaster they rode for the first time, but what about the things kids don’t think about? What about the kids that couldn’t go swimming because they were contagious from a bug, headaches that prevents them from playing with their friends or they couldn’t go on a boat ride because they get seasick?
This is why Koca Chiropractic kids are excited to BE ADJUSTED! Kids sometimes get it more than the parents. They understand if they get checked and adjusted then they will be healthier, have more fun and be more like a kid. What kid or parent doesn’t want that?
Check Out  Chiropractor In Omaha
Chiropractic is how a young boy having nighttime seizures can now go and have sleepovers with his friends.
Chiropractic is how a young girl who had bladder issues can play with her friends with no fear of having “an accident.”
Chiropractic is how a young boy who has had motion sickness his WHOLE LIFE went on his first boatride with his family and only had to worry about wearing enough sunscreen.
Parents strive to create their children lasting memories…our goal at Kiroworld is to make sure they enjoy those special moments and live their life to their fullest kid potential.
-Dr. Matt (who has the coolest job in the world), Chiropractor at KiroWorld

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

We LOVE taking care of Families!

I was talking with my neighbor the other day and we got on the subject of children and their health. She mentioned how it was really hard because you never know if your kids are going to be healthy or sick…she said ‘you just have to hope for the best.’

I explained to her that our daughters were amazingly healthy and that we made choices that increased their potential to be healthy. I listed Chiropractic among other things and she was noticeably confused. She said ‘but children don’t have bad backs, do they?’

I explained to her how Chiropractic wasn’t about bad backs and pain, but how your nerve system is the master control system of your body and how the healthier the nerve system is the better health potential you and your children have. Her eyes began to get bigger as she started to understand the reality of what I was explaining to her.

You see, we don’t see kids necessarily because they have anything wrong with them. Nor do we see adults for that reason. We actually see them because we want them to have the best life experience possible and the only way to do that is to have a nerve system that is free of interference and functioning at its highest potential.

Visit us today or Call us at (402) 496-4570 to schedule your first appointment with best Omaha Chiropractors so we can help you express better health, function and well-being today!
